Collaborate As A Team, Eliminate E-Mail Overload
There’s no “I” in “team”—even if everyone if scattered across the globe. There’s some cool social software out there that let’s you manage projects and teams efficiently, from virtually anywhere!
Social software also has another major benefit: inbox minimization. Back in the day, business e-mail was a necessary tool but nowadays—not so much. Woohoo, right? Just think of how many “quick question” or “yes/no” e-mails and one-sentence messages clog your inbox on a daily basis. By openly sharing work-related data, notes, questions, etc., you can sharply reduce inbox clutter, and sensitive or confidential information is kept safe, secure and password-protected.
Whether your team is in another country or the offices next door, you’ll want to check this software out! Collaborate on documents, presentations, or files in real time, add sticky notes, control privacy settings, assign tasks, or use a timer to track what projects are sucking up your time.
Central Desktop
Like ProjectTurf, this intuitive software is easy-to-use. Open, save, edit and co-author files stored online in Central Desktop directly from Office, making collaboration on Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files super easy and convenient. Also cool: a Wiki feature for real-time brainstorm sessions, a Forum and “CEO Blog” for general announcements or questions, and “Check out”—a feature that allows users to check out documents (like a library book!) to prevent editing conflicts with another user who may be working simultaneously.
Still Too Many E-Mails?
Gmail users can manage their inbox using Priority, a new feature that splits your inbox into three sections: “Important and unread,” “Starred” and “Everything else.” Gmail or not, grouping e-mails together by category—personal, newsletters/mailing lists, work messages, etc. should help.