Here's Why Your Corporate Blog Needs a Killer Statistic
Most conversations on corporate blogging – in both marketing and investor relations – seem to revolve around whether to do it, and what the benefits are. The actual mechanics of using a corporate blog (or other social media environment) to drive engagement and returns tend to get less attention, especially in the business-to-business space. Whether you’re dealing with clients who buy big-ticket items or the institutional investors that capitalize your company, it pays to have mastered the mechanics.
IR magazine’s group marketing director, Tom Johansmeyer, in this video produced by venture capital firm OpenView Venture Partners, discusses one of the ways you can use your corporate blog to gain and maintain an audience: the ‘killer statistic’.
The success of a corporate blog rests, in part, on having exclusive information that’s relevant to your target market. You need to demonstrate that you have rare and unique insights that can help your clients, institutional investors and other stakeholders make better decisions.
You can take this concept to the next level with data. If you have stats that tell a unique story – or that are difficult to generate – you become an important source of information. It will be natural for your target audience to become repeat visitors, which drives the success of your corporate blog.