Search Factor Makes Video More Important to Online Marketing
San Francisco, CA – The recent announcement that Google will be indexing spoken audio in online video will place the onus on brands to increase their video content output according to Reality Digital, the leading provider of social networking software for brands and businesses.
Google Audio Indexing is a system currently existing in Google Labs which allows the search engine to index video content, specifically from YouTube, the biggest video network in the social sphere. It’s potential to be able to crawl video content from all networks and websites, not just YouTube, means that brands need to consider their current output of video content, and look towards socialising more of it as a means of driving more traffic and drawing attention from search engines, which may improve rankings.
Reality Digital has indicated that the socialisation aspect of content promotion is key in achieving video syndication and that by spreading the reach of video content, brands will be able to significantly improve their search results whilst also impacting the overall distance that brand focused content is carried. With many analysts such as Nielsen and Comscore reporting relentless increases in the number of users viewing online video, there has never been a better opportunity for brands says Robert Proctor, Head of EMEA for Reality Digital:
“The constant rise in popularity of online video content is proof enough of its appeal, and as such, brands really must be making more efforts to take their marketing campaigns in this direction as much as possible.”
“Reality Digital’s Spotlight software package gives brands the ability to socialise their online video content in a controlled environment, ensuring brand safety in its transmission and syndication across other networks. With Google looking towards the indexing of video audio, this controlled socialisation will become of paramount importance in video syndication in the future, as more and more brands begin to see video as a key factor in the search aspects of marketing.”
As well as providing the Spotlight video socialisation platform, Reality Digital is a leading provider of online community software for brands, enabling them to engage with their consumers and provide a much more efficient and effective brand experience. Reality Digital Opus is a cutting edge video social network, ready and waiting to be tailored exactly to a brands needs and implemented into their marketing framework.