VersionOne a 5-Time Honoree on SD Times 100 List of ALM Tools
VersionOne, recognized by agile practitioners as the leader in agile project management tools, has been named to the 2013 SD Times 100 list of leaders and innovators in the Agile Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Development Tools category. This is the fourth year in a row and the fifth time overall that VersionOne has made the list.
“We owe this honor to our customers and partners around the world,” said VersionOne President and CEO Robert Holler . “Their support is what drives us to do what we set out to do every day – to make agile easier, not just with our software, but through community initiatives such as our AgileSherpa Web site, AgilePalooza events, AgileLIVE webinars, and a global network of agile coaches and consultants. Thanks to SD Times and the development community for this recognition, and for your continued support.”
About the SD Times 100
Published annually since 2003, the SD Times 100 recognizes companies, non-commercial organizations, open-source projects and other initiatives for their innovation and leadership. Winners are considered by SD Times editors to have most broadly “set the agenda” for software development managers in multiple industry areas during the past calendar year. When selecting the list, SD Times considers each company’s offering and reputation based on how much buzz, attention and conversation they have heard around the company, its products and technologies. For more about the SD Times 100, including past lists and judging criteria, visit
About VersionOne
VersionOne is a recognized leader and visionary in agile application lifecycle management. Our mission is to help companies envision and deliver great software. Our promise is to promote and serve the best interests of the agile software development community with genuine respect and humility. Every single day we work hard to make a difference both in our community and with our customers.
Today more than 50,000 teams including over 35 of the Fortune 100 use our products to help them scale their agile initiatives faster, easier, and smarter. Whether a small team just starting out with agile or a global enterprise, VersionOne customers get the best software tools in the industry backed by the pioneers of agile project and lifecycle management. Follow us on Google+,Twitter, Facebook and our blogs.
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