Product-Led Growth Index

At OpenView, we believe businesses with product-led growth (PLG) strategies will feature prominently among top performers in the software landscape. Below is a look at key valuation drivers for the PLG businesses in the public SaaS index compared with the broader set.

This data reflects Q2 2022 market updates. You can find additional context around the numbers here.

We’ll continue to update and iterate on this Index over time. If you have questions, comments or additions to the Index, please contact Curt Townshend at [email protected].

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OpenView’s Product Led Growth Index (PLG Index) is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as investment advice, or as an offer or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities or other investment products. While the data contained in the PLG Index is believed to be reliable, no representation or warranty, whether express or implied, is made and no liability or responsibility is accepted by OpenView or its employees, partners or affiliates as to its accuracy or completeness. OpenView, its affiliates, or any of their respective employees, partners, advisors and investors, may have an investment in, or be engaged in transactions with, any of the companies that are constituents of the PLG Index. An investor’s decision to buy or sell securities should depend on individual circumstances (such as the investor’s existing holdings) and other considerations. Each investor should consult his or her own financial and tax advisors before engaging in any transaction based on the PLG Index.