The Neglected Audience B2B Marketers Should Be Targeting

While B2B marketers should craft messaging for the specific audience their software is designed to help, Continuum Senior VP and CMO Jeanne Hopkins says it’s important not to neglect another group that plays a key role in buying decisions.

by Jeanne Hopkins
How Successful Tech Startups Embrace Smarketing

What’s smarketing, you ask? As Continuum Senior VP and CMO Jeanne Hopkins explains, it’s nothing short of truly harmonious sales and marketing alignment. Sound too good to be true? Here’s how to achieve it.

by Jeanne Hopkins
HR & Leadership
Success Secrets for Incoming CMOs

What are the most important things you can do as a new Chief Marketing Officer to ensure success in your role? Jeanne Hopkins, Senior VP & CMO at Continuum Managed IT Services, shares what (and what not) to do to avoid the revolving door.

by Jeanne Hopkins