3d and More at E3!

June 17, 2010

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to peel myself away from my desk at OpenView Venture Partners this week to make it over to E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo). However, I was able to follow the action online and see the latest product and development updates from the major console players. What seems to be the focus?
No surprise, Nintendo and Sony are making big pushes into 3d with Sony announcing several titles that will support 3d and Nintendo touting its new 3d handheld DS console. Sony also profiled its new Wii copycat, titled Move, which looks to be aiming at Nintendo’s core audience.

The need to maintain differentiation, push innovation and improve competitive positioning is necessary in the heated console war. In the end, it will only provide consumers with great gaming experiences!


General Partner

<strong>Kobie Fuller</strong> is a General Partner at <a href="https://upfront.com/">Upfront Ventures</a>. Previously he was the Principal at Accel Partners in San Francisco where he helped identify and work with entrepreneurs who were building category-defining companies. He has more than 10 years of experience in funding and building software companies.