A New Year Filled With Hope

January 7, 2010

Many hope that 2010 will be a more promising year than the last. I was reading an article in TechCrunch that gave a breakdown of recent online holiday spending that contained an undertone of hope. According to this article, there was a 4 percent increase in online spending compared to 2009’s holiday shopping season. Another statistic worth mentioning is that 28 percent of shoppers surveyed by comScore reported that social media promotions from retailers influenced their purchases. It’s obvious that social media comment posts, and status updates have mentioned many software and technology deals. So in a sense, giving discounts during the holiday season on certain buzz products is a great way to get some free word of mouth marketing via social media sites. It’s also a good idea to adjust your content marketing strategy during the holiday season, to include a little bit more social media activity. Many believe 2010 is going to be a successful year despite the current state of the economy, and with positive thinking on our side, we may be on to something.


Former Research Associate at OpenView Venture Partners, Glenn Michael is now the Founder of <a href="http://www.keyofgclothing.com/">Key of G Clothing </a> and the Director of Operations of Studio 52.