Are You Prepped for Sales Changes at the Expansion Stage?
May 23, 2011
As you’re scaling a business, radical changes can quickly become commonplace.
Your approaches will drastically change at every level of the company, inside every department. This much should’ve been anticipated in your business growth strategies. But what you don’t expect, can hurt you.
On the sales front, you need to make sure that you have a team that is able to adjust their execution in order to compensate for the changed environment. Your salespeople will no longer be preaching about the merits of the software, as you should now have a proven commodity. Consequently, the sales process will be fundamentally changed. And to optimize your results, you’ll need professionals that understand how to operate under these newly generated conditions.
Being prepared for the expansion stage is about the personnel as much as it is the planning. For more information on expansion stage readiness, watch the video from OpenView Labs featuring Rich Chiarello.