Raised $15 Million in Venture Capital Financing

March 27, 2010

One of the premier online retailers of infant, toddler and juvenile products,, reported on March 23rd that it raised $15 million dollars in venture capital financing. The lead venture capital investor is Alumni Capital Networks, and Brook Venture Partners is the participating investor. In the company’s press release, BabyAge’s CEO Jack Kiefer explained that 11 years after its inception the company was ready for the next step. plans to use the expansion capital to support its growth plans and establish itself as the best online retailer in the infant and juvenile space. The venture funding will not only support the growth of the company, but will also contribute to the community of northeast Pennsylvania, by creating employment and career opportunities.


Konstantin is the President at OnLighten, which specializes in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and business systems strategy, implementation, integration, automation, and training. He was previously an Analyst at OpenView.