Bridge Note

September 25, 2009

For some time, I have wanted to start writing, but I have always put it off. Reasons are varied, excuses clichéd and contrived. Lack of motivation, lack of inspiration, lack of imagination. Fear of pretension. Fear that my sincerest introspections are banal. Originality is difficult. And I’m not the first one to think this.

But now I’m writing, and as painstaking of a process as it is for me, I’m finding it perversely pleasant. Hopefully the hardest part is starting.

This blog is supposed to be a substantive collection of thoughts about the confluence of expansion stage software and venture capital. Maybe it will be at some point.


Vlad is a CEO at <a href="">Scandent</a>, which develops radio frequency identification (RFID) systems that prevent theft, loss, and wandering/elopement in hospitals and nursing facilities. Previously, he was an Associate at OpenView.