C.C.O. Magazine – Content Marketing at its Finest

January 20, 2011

Fresh off the presses, C.C.O. Magazine made its way to the OpenView Labs offices yesterday and it was all we could hope for! You feel something special when you can hold great information in your hands that was once invisible. It makes it a bit more substantial and real. Of course, the fact that my headshot and product recommendation made an appearance didn’t hurt my opinion on the publication! (more on that later…)

C.C.O Magazine is the brainchild of our good friend, Joe Pulizzi, who is also the founder of Junta42 and the Content Marketing Institute. Featured in the premiere issue is a podcast with Ann Handley (recorded in the OpenView Studio space – photos here), Tech Tool recommendations, and a great little piece on the difference between content curation and plagiarism. It also features the color orange in a greater capacity than any other publication…ever! Additionally, it includes a great feature article on SEO and driving website traffic that is worth a read for anyone working on their content marketing strategy.

Joe Pulizzi takes the notion of “we are all publishers” to another level with this quarterly publication. The initial print circulation of 20,000 senior marketing managers is quite impressive, and that doesn’t even include the potential digital reach.

If you turn to page 11, you will see my shining face promoting my favorite social media tool, CoTweet. When CMI put out a call to their database requesting feedback on our favorite tech tools, I replied with my ringing endorsement, never thinking I would actually be selected for the publication! Lesson Learned? Always participate in the conversation! This conversation is still open–you can email [email protected] with your favorite product and you may just see your face in the next issue!

As we anxiously await the next issue, let’s be sure to apply the lessons we learned from this edition in our daily content marketing activities.


Corey was a marketing analyst at OpenView from 2010 until 2011. Currently Corey is the Owner of <a href="https://prepobsessed.com/">Prep Obsessed</a> and was previously the Marketing Manager at MarketingProfs.