CFOs and ROI Calculators

November 26, 2009

Why, you ask?

Take a look at the recent economic press, as well as a November 1 article on “Flat Chance.”

IT spending is still being held tight, and likely will continue to be tight well into 2010. The debate is turning from prioritizing nice-to-have vs must-have, to trying to prioritize amongst many must-have technology solutions.

More than ever, your company must be able to articulate a clear ROI in order to gain traction in this market. If your sales and marketing teams haven’t tackled this yet, you as the CFO are in a great position to be able to help them pull together the key data, gather the relevant insights, and present this in such a way as to be compelling to the customer. In many cases, remember that it’s probably going to be your counterpart at the customer who is the final decisionmaker.

If you’re looking for an immediate way to get out of the back office and have enormous impact on the front-end of your company’s deal flow, you just found it!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!