Do You Have A Video Content Strategy?
December 21, 2009
When it comes to sharing your company with the world, the typical website content components include: company presentations, product/service descriptions, feature lists, data sheets, case studies, testimonials, etc. As we adapt to the digital revolution that is now rapidly spreading across the web, innovative content vehicles are popping up everywhere. The vehicle that intrigues me the most these days is video.
Video content allows businesses to engage with their customers on a whole new level. Real time moments, unedited and uncensored, allow people to share endless amounts of content that people can relate to. Short clips can be recorded and uploaded to countless social sites, such as YouTube, Facebook, and VideoSift.See more popular video sites!
Research shows that “the amount of time U.S. Internet users spend watching video is up an impressive 40% year over year.” Interestingly enough, “the number of videos viewed increased 34%, to 12.7 billion videos, up from 9.5 billion last November.” The numbers don’t lie – if you haven’t thought about adding video to your content marketing strategy, you should definitely do so.
Creating video content is simple, possible for even the most technology inept individuals. Pocket sized video cameras such as the Flip Video Mino and Kodak’s Zi8 retail for under $200 and allow all users to capture “life as it happens.” Incorporating video into your company’s website can be easy. Think about using video for:
- Testimonials
- Product/service descriptions
- Company office tours
- New hire introductions
- Event information
- FAQ’s
Implementing video on your company’s website is both a simple and affordable way to kick start a digital marketing initiative. It’s time to embrace new media and personalize your video strategy.
Check out the video content that Boston Venture Capital firm OpenView Venture Partners has recently added to its website! Additionally, here are some examples from our expansion stage portfolio companies: Intronis, Central Desktop, and AtTask!