Expanding your Network

December 3, 2009

I recently read an article by Michael Port in Entrepreneur magazine that I thought had some great nuggets of information as it relates to building your network. A lot of these concepts we strive for at OpenView in order to maximize our internal networks to better deliver operational support and value add to our portfolio companies.

Key ideas Michael highlights are:

Sharing your connections – successful people never hoard their relationships. If you have a valuable contact that may help out another person in your network, connect the two! You will be creating great value.

Share you knowledge – as you read new and informative tidbits of knowledge (whether on inbound marketing, product management process, venture capital or any concept relevant to your trade) why not share it with people in your network who would find value from it. It allows you to be seen as a leader in your industry in addition to be caring about the people you know.

Share your compassion – Michael mentions the idea of frequently sending people in your network hand written notes saying either a quick hello, congratulations or greeting. Many times we get caught up in this e-world where paper and pen is neglected. When was the last time you received a hand written note out of the blue from one of your contacts? When it happened, didn’t you reflect on that person as being really caring and trustworthy? This stuff goes a long way and shouldn’t be neglected.

Don’t share your business card – This idea was a bit surprising when I read it, but it kind of makes sense. Never give out your card unless someone asks for it. Rather, ask them for their card, state you will follow up with a call and or email and be diligent in following up. The connection will be more solid and you will avoid having your card being used as a gum receptacle.

I found the above strategies to be very insightful. Enjoy as you look to continue building your network!


General Partner

<strong>Kobie Fuller</strong> is a General Partner at <a href="https://upfront.com/">Upfront Ventures</a>. Previously he was the Principal at Accel Partners in San Francisco where he helped identify and work with entrepreneurs who were building category-defining companies. He has more than 10 years of experience in funding and building software companies.