Have You Tried Being an Undercover Boss? It Really Works!
October 16, 2010
I was interested to see this report on how the Republic Airways CEO recorded an episode for the CBS show “Undercover Boss” and all of the things he learned about the company and its practices.
I really enjoy “Undercover Boss,” particularly the discovery the bosses encounter as they work through the process. On every episode, the CEOs discover the realization that their company does not work the way they think and they gain valuable insights and finally make adjustments to their practices at the end of the show.
While all companies large and small have issues, it’s interesting that the senior management teams need a show like this to uncover theirs! Don’t they realize that uncovering and resolving their issues helps them in creating competitive advantage and iterating on their company development strategies while making their employees happier and more productive?
I recently wrote an article for the OpenView Labs website, which describes an approach expansion stage company CEOs can use to become the undercover boss. Take a look and consider trying out a few of the ideas…they may be eye-opening!
Have you tried becoming an Undercover Boss? It really works!