
January 14, 2010

I can honestly say that I love salesforce.com

Prior to using salesforce, I did not have any type of CRM system or any way of organizing my information, recording tasks, and making sure I follow up to each appropriately. Since using this system, my productivity has skyrocketed, as I believe anyone’s would if using their CRM system correctly.

CRM Implementation is a critical part of our belief. As part of OpenView’s strategic consulting services, once a company is in our portfolio, we encourage its sales teams and business development teams to use a CRM. This provides visibility for the sales team and managers to see what is going on, and lets them make much more educated predictions.

Salesforce dashboard

For the more unorganized, salesforce.com is a dream come true.

Market Research and Competitive Intelligence

Jillian Mirandi works in Market Research and Competitive Intelligence at <a href="http://www.netsuite.com/">NetSuite</a>. She was previously a research analyst here at OpenView.