Mobile Boarding Passes are the Real Thing

March 3, 2010

As a frequent traveler myself, I have very quickly come to love the concept of the mobile boarding pass. Usually, it is a pain to print out my pass at home (usually at work as I do not actually have a printer), and then keep the 2 page boarding pass safe and easy to access.

Opting to have the “mobile boarding pass” send directly to my iphone, something I guard with my life, checking in is a lot easier. The pass goes directly onto the screen of your phone and is scanned just like as if it were on paper. This also keeps a safe record of your travels.

Trinity Mobile, one of the leading companies in the space, indicates that a mobile boarding pass is just a better option as growth is almost entirely driven by users picking the option when it is offered as there has been very little influence marketing.

In 2008, Trinity Mobile saw 50,000 users opt in to receive the mobile boarding pass rather than the traditional boa ring pass. In 2009, 600,000 people opted in. In 2010, they are expecting 2 billion people to be using on line boarding passes and about 15 billion by 2014!

There are a lot of expansion stage companies focused on mobile ticketing, but for the product and development team at Trinity Mobile that went after boarding passes, genius! As I have mentioned in previous post, many products are the same, but a company’s business development strategies and how they position themselves in the market is very key.

If you are going on a trip soon and receiving a mobile boarding pass as an option, check it out!

Market Research and Competitive Intelligence

Jillian Mirandi works in Market Research and Competitive Intelligence at <a href="">NetSuite</a>. She was previously a research analyst here at OpenView.