51 Sizes to Remember for Social Media Images and Video
April 30, 2015
Our friends at Spredfast (part of the OpenView portfolio) produced an amazing infographic detailing everything you need to know about sizing video and images for social media sites and social media marketing.
View the full infographic for social media image and video sizes.
It is important to remember sizes for video and images, but it’s also important to remember the strategic value of video and creative content within your social media marketing strategy. Here are some quick takeaways:
- People Want Multimedia: People have moved from blogs to microblogs and now to multimedia microblogs. The only direction to go is to communicate with pictures. With Instagram and Pinterest, you can communicate purely with images. Sometimes words aren’t even necessary.
- Consumers Get Bored Quickly: “We get bored quickly these days. Perhaps it’s not as much boredom as it is content overload, however. What is perceived by many to be shorter attention spans can also be attributed to trying to get the information we want out of the massive flood of options. We inundate ourselves with sources and tributaries to feed our hunger for information, but we aren’t very good at building dams and other means of filtering that flow efficiently. So we try to keep from drowning ourselves, and that means that we scan things much more quickly and filter them out much more easily.”
- Engagement Matters: Engagement rate on Facebook for photos averages 0.37% where text only is 0.27% (this translates to a 37% higher level of engagement for photos over text)
- Imagery Helps Explain and Share: “A good image on a website has a life beyond appearing on the webpage in question too, as it can (and should) be used as a visual ‘thumbnail’ that previews the webpage when shared by others on social networks and other online platforms.”
- Zuckerberg Says So: “Zuckerberg claimed that “most of the content on Facebook is content that people are sharing with their friends and the people around them. And if you look into the future, a lot of the content that people share will be video. It’s just very compelling.”
For more tips on creating and leveraging the power of visuals see our Beginner’s Guide to Stunning Visual Content Marketing.