The Facilitator’s Guide to Creating Aspirations
February 23, 2011
This is a part of a series that was created to help you define what you aspire to be as a company. This series will walk through the process, necessary roles, in addition to guides for each role to define your aspirations quickly.
Your company’s aspirations are what you aspire to be as a company.
They are the longest-term and most aggressive goals for your company. Your aspirations can be organized in many different ways, but most frequently are organized as your mission, vision, values, and priorities.
The facilitator of the initial workshop to set aspirations is responsible for guiding the CEO and executive team during a one-day, off-site meeting to develop the company aspirations and for facilitating the quarterly retrospective meetings.
Here is a how-to guide on facilitating this important meeting:
[slideshare id=6961767&doc=5-faciliatatorsguidetoworkshoplb-110217094317-phpapp02]
Next week I will share the participant’s guide for creating aspirations.