The Secret Life of Objects

March 11, 2010

“If only the walls could talk” is a phrase that constantly sparks the imagination. Well, now it is a reality.

Seth Goldstein of SocialMedia Networks and Billy Chasen, creator of chartbeat have now founded stickybits, the “fun and social way to attach digital content to real world objects”. What you do is find a bar code, or buy some sticky bar codes (20 for $10), and scan it with your iphone. Each bar code is programmable by the first person who scans it and attaches some content. You can upload a picture, message, audio clip, whatever you want. Each additional person who scans the object will see the programmers’ message, and are then able to add to it. For brands, a future business model is to charge brands to claim their bar codes and place their own messages on it first (content marketing strategy).

Just think of the possibilities! Essentially, I could stick a bar code on the Eiffel Tower or the Pyramid of Giza and in a sense “own” a little digital piece of it. Or more practically, attach your resume or pitch to your business card (business development services and personal recruiting support), attach a video to a birthday card, make in inventory of old photos, or just attach a bar code to a bottle and see where it ends up.

Market Research and Competitive Intelligence

Jillian Mirandi works in Market Research and Competitive Intelligence at <a href="">NetSuite</a>. She was previously a research analyst here at OpenView.