
What is Corporate Blogging?

August 31, 2010

This is a part of a series that was cre­at­ed to help you get the prac­tice of corporate blogging built into your com­pany.  This series will walk through the process, nec­es­sary roles, in addi­tion to guides for each role to help your com­pany get started quickly.

Baby Boy Typing

Corporate Blogging Defined

A corporate blog provides a forum for your company’s leaders and employees to discuss topics of interest to your target prospects and customers and the people who influence them. A corporate blog consists of many individual blogs, each written by different employees (“specialists”) within your company and can also have a summary company blog that incorporates all of the individual blogs. Organizing a blog in this fashion creates many more opportunities for your company to be found online to generate new business. Consistency is key, so new blog postings must appear on a regular (daily is ideal) basis.

Successful blogs provide solutions to your target prospects’ and customers’ issues. The purpose is not to simply push product or company content, but to provide valuable resources to help your target prospects and customers solve their problems. In addition to being useful, the content must contain specific keywords that targets enter into search engines so that your company can be found.

Successful blogs also contain ideas and inspiration for more structured content that can be created by your marketing department. The process of creating valuable content is time-consuming and expensive for your marketing department, so your blog content should lend itself to being repurposed in many different forms over time.

Corporate blogs contribute greatly to your organic search engine optimization efforts and social media efforts, as both efforts require good, relevant, and regular content. The more ideas, inspiration, and material that your bloggers create, the better.

Next week, I’ll share a quick example describing the impact blogging can have on an expansion stage technology company.