Getting Attention in 15 Seconds: How to Turn Any Cold Call into a Warm One (Webinar)

Struggling to get prospects to give you the time of day? In this webinar, renowned sales executive and entrepreneur Jeff Hoffman shares a simple cold calling structure that can dramatically warm up your prospecting efforts.

by Jeff Hoffman
Top 10 Ways to Motivate Sales Reps Without Money

Sure, money talks, but if you really want to inspire your reps to break through walls you need to tap into something deeper. Sales executive, educator, and entrepreneur Jeff Hoffman provides 10 creative ways to encourage and reward above-and-beyond performance.

by Jeff Hoffman
Top 10 Underappreciated Qualities of Great Salespeople

Are customers really expecting salespeople to be trusted advisors? Get real. Sales executive, educator, and entrepreneur Jeff Hoffman highlights 10 underrated qualities that the best reps actually bring to the table.

by Jeff Hoffman
Customer Success
Right on the Money: The Key to Accurate Sales Forecasts

Accurate sales forecasts are essential for any business, but also difficult to create. Fortunately, this new valuable resource can help.

by Jeff Hoffman