Corporate Recruiters: If You’re Not Working With the CEO…
September 19, 2011
When recruiting for a portfolio company, I absolutely love it when I work directly with the CEO or hiring manager. The benefits of dealing with these folks that I enjoy in particular include:
1) Consistently clear communication
2) Immediate feedback and status reports
3) Working with the most passionate person in the recruitment process!
But when working with someone who isn’t the CEO or hiring manager, you might come across some disconnect and breakdown in communication. Fortunately, I’ve worked with some incredible HR leaders who haven’t missed a beat. Here are some tips to consider to make sure that all your bases are covered and can secure the best talent as effectively and efficiently as possible:
1) Call Them. While email is fine, you should always have a direct office line or cell phone number handy. Use these numbers when you’re not hearing back or getting what you need to move forward in the recruitment process.
2) Back-up Contact. You need a contingency plan no matter what you’re doing, so always have an alternative contact. Whether it’s the hiring manager, administrative assistant, etc., you should have at least a second person to contact in the event of an emergency.
3) Update the Point Person. This is usually a partner or managing director within the venture capital firm who manages the firm-portfolio relationship and has a seat on the board of directors. He/she is the liaison that makes sure you have all the resources you need to succeed and eliminates as many barriers as possible
4) Over-communicate. People are busy and lose track of things, so don’t hesitate to follow up once, twice, or even three times. It’s not nagging; it’s a sign that you care as much as they do to make sure the best person is hired.
It’s just as much your job as the portfolio’s to stay on top of these things. I’ve never received any backlash or criticism for pursuing an answer or status update through these means. Be proactive and take these measures and you will help your portfolio company achieve their recruitment goals.
Good luck!