Do you have rhythm?

October 13, 2009

Do you have rhythm?

While I’d like to insert a video of some great dance moves performed by the Venture Partners, which would probably be much more entertaining, I am not talking about that kind of rhythm but rather management rhythm…

Last week we had our internal quarterly review, a good check-in point to see how we are performing against our strategic goals for our internal and portfolio company initiatives. One of the hardest challenges for our expansion stage portfolio companies in maturing beyond an ad-hoc management tempo , which is often choreographed like dancers in a club—fast paced, highly adaptable with maybe a few pairs in sync but mostly messy , confusing missteps. And while that is one extreme, a consistent well rehearsed management cycle should still have flexible form like a jazz dance rather than a rigid ballet.

The various cycles typically include: Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, and Daily [and even intraday].



Elizabeth Knopf co-founded a technology-enabled service company and worked in venture capital investing in software/internet/new media companies. She is also a Freelance Writer on eCommerce and professionally wrote for Promoboxx blogger. Currently, she is a Trader at <a href="">Sloan LLC</a>and a Consultant on Mobile, eCommerce, & Customer Acquisition Strategies at Knopf Consulting. Previously Elizabeth was an Operational Associate at OpenView.