Don’t Miss First Contact Resolution Opportunities
April 6, 2011
Does your company have analytical measurements dedicated solely to monitoring first contact resolution?
If not, it should. First contact resolution is the percentage of customer support or customer service inquiries that are resolved upon first contact with your company. And this doesn’t not consider the channel, so if a customer contacts you via email and then follows up via phone because the problem is unresolved, that’s a second contact.
Maximizing first contact resolutions should be part of every company’s best practices process, as it really speaks to the efficiency of the operation. Having to deal with second and third contacts is not only a time-suck, but it speaks to the quality of your customer service team.
First contact resolution should really be part of that commitment a company makes to keep customers satisfied. By choosing to not track it, vigorously, a company could be making a fatal mistake. For more on first contact resolution, watch the video from OpenView Labs featuring Bill Price.