Outbound Lead Generation Team Reporting Structures: Option #1

November 26, 2012

In this post I will cover the first of three possible reporting structures for your outbound lead generation team. As I mentioned in my first post, while outbound lead generation teams typically either report to sales or to marketing, which option is best is often a subject of debate. In this series we’ll take a closer look at three different reporting structure options. First up…

Structure 1: In this reporting structure, the lead generation team manager reports to the VP of sales. The lead generation reps report directly to the lead generation team manager, but also have dotted-line reporting the sales reps they are supporting.

Outbound Lead Generation Team Reporting Structure 1

This organizational structure obviously aligns the lead generation team more with sales than with marketing. It is also a very supportive structure for the lead generation team because it provides them with a dedicated manager focused solely on managing the team and their development.

The dedicated manager can also act as an effective buffer from external distractions (like sales reps treating them like admin), and can help drive the removal of impediments to the team’s success (like sales reps not following process).

The dotted line management to the sales reps is another benefit of this reporting structure, as it creates more collaboration, learning, and development for the lead generation reps, and for the team as a whole.

Of course, one disadvantage of this organizational structure is the additional cost of the manager, which some companies may not be able to afford.

In the next post in the series we’ll look at a reporting structure that avoids that cost by requiring lead generation reps to report directly to the sales manager.

Do you have experience with this or a similar model? What do you see as the advantages/disadvantages?

VP, Sales

Ori Yankelev is Vice President, Sales at <a href="https://www.ownbackup.com/">Own Backup</a>. He was previously a Sales and Marketing Associate for OpenView.