The State of SaaS Pricing [Infographic]
March 15, 2017
Infographic by Rachel Worthman.
Over the past several months, OpenView has surveyed more than 1,000 SaaS leaders to better understand how they price their products. What we’ve uncovered is a lack of maturity around product pricing in general. More specifically, we’ve found that all too often companies fail to designate a specific team member to head up pricing. Instead, many CEOs take on the burden. Moreover, our data shows that decisions around pricing are made far too late in the product launch cycle. The combination of these factors means that companies are missing out on much needed revenue by failing to properly set prices.
If you haven’t taken our interactive survey and want to see how you compare to your peers, you can fill out our Pricing Maturity Calculator here. In the meantime, check out the infographic below to gain a better understanding of the state of SaaS pricing.