What successful “Viral Companies” have in common

December 8, 2009

Every founder and/or CEO of an expansion stage software company that I know is always looking for ideas on how to get an edge to grow their companies within their chosen market spaces. As an expansion stage Venture capital firm that provides growth capital we are always looking for software companies and management teams that have an edge over their competition.

Some of the most successful software companies in recent years have found ways to create and take advantage of viral marketing.

There is a new book out by Adam Penenberg called “Viral Loop: From Facebook to Twitter How Today’s Smartest Businesses Grow Themselves”. The link to his site is below.


Through a series of interviews with pioneers and leveraging articles and books by other authors he does a nice job of identifying several characteristics of successful “Viral Loop” companies.

If this is of interest to you you might want to pick up the book… I certainly will!

All the best,


Venture Partner

<strong>George Roberts</strong> is a Venture Partner at OpenView. He enjoys partnering with companies and helping them achieve their goals through strategy, focus and operational execution. From 1990 to 2003, George spent 13 years at Oracle Corporation, most recently having served as Executive Vice President of North American Sales. While at Oracle, George was responsible for over $1 billion in revenue and more than 2,000 employees, reporting directly to the company’s CEO and Chairman, Larry Ellison.