Finance & Operations
An Introduction to Scrum Basics with Jeff Sutherland

Dr. Jeff Sutherland, CEO of Scrum Inc, provides a breakdown of the procedures and fundamentals behind the Scrum process.

by Jeff Sutherland
Finance & Operations
Making the Business Case for Scrum

In this short video, Jeff Sutherland explains how not only can the agile methodology Scrum improve productivity, it can also help the bottom line.

by Jeff Sutherland
Who Should Use Scrum?

Scrum may typically be adopted by software development teams, but it is increasingly being used by departments throughout companies to improve productivity.

by Jeff Sutherland
How to Avoid the Most Common Scrum Pitfalls
When implemented correctly, Scrum can help you control risk, manage projects, and develop products better and faster than you thought...
by Jeff Sutherland
Ready, Ready to Done, Done

In this excerpt from Dr. Jeff Sutherland’s upcoming book, The Scrum Handbook, Jeff reiterates the importance of getting from ready ready to done done.

by Jeff Sutherland
Scrum Points: Why Story Points Are Better Than Hours

Jeff Sutherland, co-founder of Scrum, writes that when it comes to measuring the velocity of a product team, story points are the way to go.

by Jeff Sutherland
HR & Leadership
Perspectives: A Conversation with HubSpot CEO Brian Halligan

Questioning conventional wisdom, along with a willingness to shift gears, has helped fuel HubSpot’s rapid growth. We recently asked Brian how HubSpot is faring while it scales…

by Jeff Sutherland
HR & Leadership
Perspectives: A Conversation with CEO Walter Scott

Today’s arti­cle fea­tures an inter­view with Wal­ter Scott on his expe­ri­ences lead­ing Acro­nis through the expan­sion stage.

by Jeff Sutherland