Kevin Leary
Principal Front-end Engineer
Startup Strategy
Great Curated Content Examples on the Web

The indexed web currently contains at least 7.39 billion pages. That’s an insane amount of information to sift through, which is why good web curators are such an indispensable resource, and why B2B companies have so much to gain by making content curation a key part of their content marketing strategy.

by Kevin Leary
Startup News
Useful Mac OS X Apps for Productivity

I’m an app guy. I love using Mac apps to simplify and automate anything in my daily processes. Spending time today to improve workflow in the future is always a good use of time.

by Kevin Leary
HR & Leadership
How to Find PDF Files Online
If you're wondering how to find PDF files online consider using the Google filetype search operator. Depending on what I'm...
by Kevin Leary
Best Practices for Optimizing PDF File SEO
These past few weeks I've noticed a large amount of PDF documents ranking very high in search engines. Generally speaking,...
by Kevin Leary
Customer Success
Email Cold Call Strategy: Take the Pressure off the Customer

Try a new email cold call sign-off strategy to increase conversion.

by Kevin Leary
Startup Strategy
Search Marketing Guidelines
To be completed by the managing editor Use GA to identify popular, quality content that received a spike of traffic...
by Kevin Leary
Startup Strategy
User Experience Research Tools for the Web
[caption id="attachment_22217" align="alignright" width="300"] Does the crowd really like your product?[/caption] User experience research tools provide an important step in...
by Kevin Leary
Startup Strategy
Proven Email List Building Approaches
Building a successful newsletter subscribers list is an important part of online marketing for software companies. Why is email list...
by Kevin Leary
Startup Strategy
How to Create a Usability Persona
As a member of the UX design team you need to have a strong understanding of your customers/users and their...
by Kevin Leary