A Question You Should Ask Yourself as an Entreprenuer
June 29, 2010
As an entrepreneur of an early or expansion stage software company what role do you play?
Are you:
- The Architect?
- The Storyteller?
- The Disciplinarian?
Or do you play all three roles in your company?
The June 29th, Harvard Business Review had a great blog on this topic… you can read more about it here.
As a business venture capital firm that only invests in software companies, we work with CEO’s and entrepreneurs who play each of these roles and, in some cases, play all three. Regardless of what role or roles they play, in the end the successful software companies that reach great exits all have one thing in common: the entrepreneur’s and or CEO’s ability to build out a management team to help them scale the company, architect the product, tell the story and execute the strategy.
So whether you have raised growth capital, are looking for investors or still bootstrapping your company one question you should be continuing to ask your self as you approach the midpoint of the year is… what is the next great management team member/role we need to hire to help the company continue to grow.
All the best!