
Apple Touting its Computers in Commercials

August 30, 2010

The Mac versus PC commercials have a long and well-chronicled history.

Years ago, Apple began using a new format to advertise Macintoshes. They would pit an aging, mid-40s salesperson-type next to a hip actor in front of a white backdrop. Their topics always varied, but each commercial nearly always ended with a glowing review of Macs in some way. Another surprising trait of this line of commercials is the way they give you a glimpse down the marketing rabbit hole. And usually, PC is the one employing all of the fancy marketing strategies, while Mac stands back and watches in amusement.

This particular commercial has PC employing a full-on, in-your-face buzz marketing and infomercial campaign. It’s an obvious jab at the not-so-obvious ways that PCs sometimes get sold. Meanwhile, Macs’ subtleties – something that’s a strength for Apple – are being highlighted by default.

Now trying to stay relevant, these Mac versus PC commercials did wonders for Apple in their prime.