How Not To Screw Up The First Time Like I Did
January 18, 2011
Two weeks ago I wrote a blog covering the “5 Common Mistakes Rookie Founders, CEO’s and Managers Make” and it really struck a nerve with a lot of people. If you missed it, you can read about it here.
As usual I was doing my weekly reading when I came across a blog on TechCrunch by Mark Suster titled “How I Use Visualization To Drive Creativity“. I thoroughly enjoyed the article. You can check it out here if you want. Mark is a successful 2 time entrepreneur who sold his last company to Mark spent some time as Vice President of Product Management at Salesforce before he joined GRP Partners as an Investment Partner focusing on early stage technology companies.
I pulled out of the blog what I thought would really resonate with founders and or CEOs and management teams of early and expansion stage software companies. It was a presentation he gave at the January 2011 NextGen conference.
The presentation title was “How Not To Screw (I changed the original term he used to avoid offending the editorial police) Up The First Time Like I Did”. The presentation lists 16 lessons he learned as an entrepreneur. Everyone can learn from these lessons (including Venture Capital firms). The presentation’s final 2 slides contain a series of take aways you will appreciate as well.
Before I joined OpenView Partners where we invest growth capital in expansion stage software companies, I enjoyed 20 plus years of experience in software companies. As a successful Operational Executive, I highly recommend you take the 5 minutes to check it out here… How Not To Screw Up The First Time Like I Did. By the way I made a few of these mistakes myself.
If you like it as much as I did, make sure you share it with your friends.
All the best!