Looking for a short and sweet explanation of Scrum? The fact is, you can really boil it down to three key ways it can help you and your company deliver transformative results.
Boosting productivity always starts at the top. Discover why Scrum Inc. COO Alex Brown believes there are four ways leaders need to adjust their thinking if they want their organizations to be more efficient.
Scrum Inc. COO Alex Brown explains how to address one of the most common knee-jerk reactions from senior management when it comes to implementing Scrum: “We can’t do that here.”
Pushing for your organization to adopt Scrum? Alex Brown, Scrum Inc. COO, explains the key is to frame the conversation in terms management can better appreciate and understand.
If Scrum teams at your organization are operating in guerrilla fashion without proper buy-in and support from above it’s safe to say they’re not operating optimally.
Scrum isn’t just for improving product development. As Alex Brown, COO of Scrum Inc. explains in this short video, a new area the methodology is being implemented into is financial reporting.
Improving team productivity is really just one of the many competitive advantages Scrum can bring to the table.
What is the key to high Scrum productivity? According to Alex Brown, Chief Operating Officer at Scrum Inc., it all comes down to the retrospective and the Happiness Metric.
In this week’s Labcast, Alex Brown, the Chief Operating Officer of Scrum Inc. discusses the critical role executive leadership plays in successful Scrum adoption, and walks listeners through the challenges, solutions, and benefits of getting executives engaged and on board with the development methodology from day one.