CMO Leela Srinivasan talked to us about the decision to rebrand, how the pandemic has shifted work culture, and the fact that we are all responsible for shaping the future.
While we’re hoping to set the sourdough starters and jigsaw puzzles aside this summer, there’s one pandemic hobby we aren’t willing to give up: reading lots and lots of books.
Twelve months in, we’re feeling much more comfortable with remote work, but we sure do miss being at the office together.
What’s your biggest weakness? For many folks in leadership positions, the answer might be… asking job candidates good questions.
No, robots aren’t taking over.
Looking back helps us realize just how much we accomplished this year, and we hope you’re going through the same process with your own work.
Leaders from Snyk, Autodesk, Mixpanel and more share the most important things they learned in 2020.
Though we all miss being in the office together, our pets are *really* happy to have us home all day.
Consider adding a few of these to your 2021 reading list.