TJ Thinakaran
Founder<br>EZ Texting
Metrics & Benchmarks
SaaS Contribution Margin: Discover Where Your Money Maker Lies
Challenging capital markets—like the one we're in—are a call to revisit product roadmaps, analyze their profitability, and gauge their effectiveness....
by TJ Thinakaran
HR & Leadership
5 Business Books I Wish I’d Read Sooner
Summer is upon us, and so are the many recommendations of books that one should read. I’m a big fan...
by TJ Thinakaran
HR & Leadership
The Genius With 1,000 Helpers

The challenge of running and growing a business hasn’t gotten any easier. And scaling a founder remains the biggest challenge of all.

by TJ Thinakaran
HR & Leadership
Most Employee Surveys Are a Huge Waste of Time. So Use This Instead.

Employee loyalty is the barometer of a culture, and this is the sure way to test it.

by TJ Thinakaran
Finance & Operations
Using Gross Margin to Score Your Product’s Maturity

Gross margin documents the business your product is building, yet it’s often tucked away in a financial update while a medley of product metrics enjoy the spotlight.

by TJ Thinakaran