As more SaaS companies adopt customer success initiatives that improve user experience and drive customer retention, it’s creating a customer-centric ecosystem in which everyone wins. But as OpenView legal advisor Jeremy Aber warns in this post, if SaaS businesses aren’t careful, those initiatives could also expose companies to potentially liability issues.
Are you a software app developer? If so, you should read this brief summary of some of the best published privacy guidelines for app developers.
There can often be considerable variation and gray area between enterprise-level deals — that’s why it’s important to consider three key “don’ts” before you agree to a deal you’ll live to regret.
While it’s true that every type of business should have insurance, there are a few unique issues for SaaS companies.
Find out why, when it comes time for drafting your SaaS contracts, it pays to give your customers a big KISS and keep it simple, stupid.
Keep your customers and their information in mind from day one to avoid some potentially disastrous software legal issues.
As a software attorney, I have been running into this issue a lot recently when working on Statements of Work (SOWs) — what is the difference between acceptance criteria and completion criteria, and why should a software company care? was spending way too much time negotiating its SLA, so what did it do? It simply moved the material to a dedicated trust site. And you can, too.