Justin Law
Chief Solution Provider
At OpenView
Reliance on technology
During the past few weeks I have been moving my base of operations, and during this move I came to...
by Justin Law
Why SaaS makes sense
In today's high tech world, everyone is looking to get the most bang for their buck. One of the best...
by Justin Law
Finance & Operations
Utilizing I.T. when seeking Growth Capital
Today's I.T. world is full of challenges ranging from staffing and technologies, to budgets and training. When it comes to...
by Justin Law
Finance & Operations
I.T. challenges for Expansion Stage companies
In the I.T. world, there are two camps when it comes to the maturity of the I.T. Environment. Those camps...
by Justin Law
Startup Strategy
Welcome to the first blog entry for Read all about I.T. I hope to develop this blog to provide valuable...
by Justin Law