Startup News
Central Desktop 2.0 is here!
One of our portfolio companies, Central Desktop, a collaboration software provider, just launched the next release of their product Central...
by Kobie Fuller
Startup Strategy
Thinking about fundraising?
If you are a CEO looking for capital, the idea of going out to the market and looking for venture...
by Kobie Fuller
At OpenView
My Next Gadget
So, a few weeks ago I gave a list of the next set of potential gadgets I would buy. On...
by Kobie Fuller
Startup Strategy
Perfecting Your Business Writing Style
I recently skimmed a book by Tom Sant entitled The Language of Success. It preaches a lot of concepts I...
by Kobie Fuller
At OpenView
What will be my next gadget?
I am a gadget junky and anybody that knows me can attest to that. I am always looking for the...
by Kobie Fuller
Startup News
Loyalty Lab launches Brandpulse
One of our portfolio companies, Loyalty Lab, just launched their new product Brandpulse. Brandpulse is created for the needs of...
by Kobie Fuller
Startup Strategy
Creating your 2010 Operating and Financial Plan
I spent much of my day today helping one of our portfolio companies approach the task of creating their 2010...
by Kobie Fuller
Startup Strategy
Expanding your Network
I recently read an article by Michael Port in Entrepreneur magazine that I thought had some great nuggets of information as...
by Kobie Fuller