How a Price Change Can Impact Your SaaS Metrics: Example in Action
In an earlier post, "Predicting the Impact of SaaS Pricing Changes," we looked at how price changes can impact SaaS metrics...
by Steven Forth
Pricing & Positioning
Predicting the Impact of SaaS Pricing Changes: Free Calculator & 5 Questions to Ask
You’ve done your homework. You’ve segmented your market using customer value, buying process, and cost to serve. You know how...
by Steven Forth
Market Research
The Zenefits Guide to Disrupting & Dominating a Vulnerable Market
Zenefits has been getting a lot of attention lately. Some of this is for the large amount of money it...
by Steven Forth
Slack is Rewriting the Rulebook on SaaS Pricing: Here’s How
Slack has won a lot of attention over the past few months, mostly for its high valuation and rapid growth,...
by Steven Forth
Your 3 Pricing Strategy Choices: Grow, Skim, or Follow
Back in 2015 I published this post “Your 3 Pricing Strategy Choices: Grow, Skim, or Follow.” This post has been...
by Steven Forth
How to Disrupt Your Market with an Innovative Pricing Model

Going up against an established competitor? A disruptive pricing model can be one of the most effective tools you use to differentiate yourself.

by Steven Forth
B2B Pricing Black Magic: Appealing to Economic AND Emotional Needs

Value management and pricing strategy consultant Steven Forth explains how to achieve a potent, irresistible B2B pricing formula by aligning economic and emotional value along the technology adoption lifecycle.

by Steven Forth
The Secret to Boosting Your Software Pricing Power

Value management and pricing strategy consultant Steven Forth explores the surprisingly powerful role emotion plays in setting the right price for your software.

by Steven Forth
You Can't Price Software Without Focus

Picking a number is actually the last step in a successful pricing process. Value management and pricing strategy consultant Steven Forth breaks down what you need to do first.

by Steven Forth