Finance & Operations
Finance & Operations
In Venture Capital, Experience Matters Also
Last week Firas Raouf, one of my peers in OpenView Partners, wrote a blog titled “In Venture Capital, Size Does…
by George RobertsFinance & Operations
In Venture Capital, Size Does Matter
Silicon Valley Bank recently published a report that questioned whether smaller venture capital funds outperform bigger ones. Highlights of the findings include:…
by Firas RaoufFinance & Operations
Can You Obtain Copyright Protection for Your Software’s Graphical User Interface (GUI)?
I think there are some useful nuggets for any expansion stage company or company looking for investors, even though…
by Jeremy AberFinance & Operations
Capital Efficiency and the Controlled Burn
There is a debate in venture funding circles that revolves around how an entrepreneur decides to approach building his/her company.…
by Daniel KilleenFinance & Operations
If you are looking for investors, don’t miss the latest on OpenView TV
If you are looking for investors, be sure to stay up to date on OpenView TV. Each week, we share…
by Amanda MaksymiwFinance & Operations
4 Reasons to Register Your Software for Copyright Protection
Most people may not realize that there are 4 great reasons to register your software for copyright protection with the…
by Jeremy AberFinance & Operations
Revenue Retention Analysis: Creating the Cohorts
This blog post is about how to create cohorts for a billings/revenue retention analysis, and part of a series of…
by Vlad DjuricFinance & Operations
Financial Reforms May Hit Angels and Startups
An article in USA Today raised an issue that may challenge a lot of angel investors and startup companies looking for…
by Konstantin ValchevFinance & Operations
Revenue Retention Analysis: Preparing the Data
This blog post is about preparing data for a billings/revenue retention analysis, and part of a series of posts on…
by Vlad Djuric