Brandon Hickie
Marketing Manager, Pricing Strategy
Startup Strategy
Getting Personal with Your B2B Sales Pitch

Have you considered leveraging personal and career ambition as a key value proposition in your B2B sales pitch? It could be the angle you need to get to hearts of your prospects.

by Brandon Hickie
Startup Strategy
How to Approach Market Sizing Based on Resource Constraints

A market opportunity is only addressable if a company has the resources to go after and compete for it. Learn how to approach market sizing taking resource constraints into account.

by Brandon Hickie
Startup Strategy
Leveraging the Power Curve for B2B Market Sizing

Market sizing is as much an art as it is a science — the way you define the approach will typically lead you to different answers. The good news is that sometimes, there are cues you can pick-up about the market that make sizing it very quick. Enter leveraging the power curve.

by Brandon Hickie
Market Research
Market Exit Positioning Takeaways: The Nest Labs Success Story

Most startup executive teams can only dream of an outcome like Google’s acquisition of Nest. Nevertheless, the Nest story is a great case study on how to best position your company for an exit.

by Brandon Hickie
Can We Expect More B2B SaaS Companies to Adopt Dynamic Pricing?

Will B2B SaaS companies follow the B2C dynamic pricing model adoption trends in 2014?

by Brandon Hickie
Pricing & Positioning
Netflix Pricing Strategy: Learning from Qwikster Mistakes

When it comes to pricing, the best lessons come from mistakes made by others, not firsthand. Discover what you can learn from the Netflix pricing strategy ups and downs.

by Brandon Hickie
Startup Strategy
Directory Bottoms-Up Market Sizing Approach

A step-by-step guide of how and when to use the Directory Bottoms-Up Market Sizing approach to size a B2B market opportunity.

by Brandon Hickie
Startup Strategy
LinkedIn Top-Down Market Sizing

A step-by-step guide of how and when to use the LinkedIn top-down market sizing approach to quickly size a B2B market opportunity.

by Brandon Hickie
Startup Strategy
LinkedIn Bottoms-Up Market Sizing

A step-by-step guide of how and when to use the LinkedIn bottoms-up market sizing approach to size a B2B market opportunity.

by Brandon Hickie