Startup Strategy
Setting the example... why you should stop multi-tasking
As a venture partner within a firm where we invest growth capital in expansion stage software companies I spend a...
by George Roberts
Startup Strategy
Strategy for the New Year... what's yours!
It is the beginning of the new year and once again we are in the middle of our operational reviews...
by George Roberts
HR & Leadership
Building a High Performing Team
This week we are at one of our expansion stage software companies that we invested growth capital in. They are...
by George Roberts
Startup Strategy
Happy New Year... And You Better Be Running!
As founders and or CEO's of early and expansion stage software companies, many of you have a fiscal year end...
by George Roberts
Startup Strategy
The Importance of Disconnecting and Going off the Grid
This is the time of year that reminds me of a lesson that took me a long time to learn... about 25...
by George Roberts
Startup Strategy
People... the only strategic asset you have
As an expansion stage software executive you have probably heard this before... people are the only strategic asset you have....
by George Roberts
Successful Software Companies Use Segmentation for Growth
Whether you are a founder and or CEO of an expansion stage software company one of the keys to your...
by George Roberts
Business Growth Strategies for Today's Economic Reality... Try Inbound Marketing
Every expansion stage software company, whether you are considering raising venture capital funding or not, should be looking at Inbound...
by George Roberts
Startup Strategy
What successful "Viral Companies" have in common
Every founder and/or CEO of an expansion stage software company that I know is always looking for ideas on how...
by George Roberts