HR & Leadership
In Search of the Mythical VP Sales & Marketing
As a venture capital firm that focuses on providing operational advice to CEO's and founders of expansion stage software companies...
by George Roberts
Startup Strategy
Some VC's get it and some don't...
Anneke Seley is the founder and CEO of PhoneWorks, and co-author of the book "Sales 2.0: Improve Business Results Using...
by George Roberts
At OpenView
Dilbert and the user experience
I was relaxing this Sunday afternoon reading the business section in the Sunday edition of the local newspaper when I...
by George Roberts
Startup Strategy
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Remember when you were a kid and adults would ask you "What do you want to be when you grow...
by George Roberts
Finance & Operations
If only starting software companies were this easy...
As a Boston Venture Capital firm, OpenView Partners believes it is not just about the growth capital a venture firm...
by George Roberts
You can't "cut" your way to success...
While I was in Colorado this week before attending the VCIR conference which showcases some of the rocky mountain...
by George Roberts
Startup Strategy
Looking for a simple way get more productivity from your team...
As a venture capital firm that provides growth capital to expansion stage software companies there are as many business growth...
by George Roberts
Startup Strategy
Feedback... you can never get enough
As a Boston venture capital firm with operational skills that focuses on building great companies after investing expansion capital we...
by George Roberts
Startup Strategy
What Are Your Company Values... Situational or Sustainable
As an Expansion Stage Venture Capital firm we look for software companies that are growing rapidly quarter over quarter, have...
by George Roberts