Finance & Operations
Single Sign-On and the Identity Economy

Since the dawn of mankind, single sign-on has delighted users. Now that business are seeing big benefits as well, the movement is heating up.

by Nick Petri
Startup News
Craigslist Goes to War Against the Open Web

Regardless of the legal implications, the war Craigslist is fighting against 3taps and PadMapper is going to end in a quagmire. Here’s why.

by Nick Petri
Startup Strategy
5 Startup Buzzwords that Make Me Hate Your Company

If your startup pitch resembles Prestige Worldwide’s, it isn’t a good thing. Avoid these 5 meaningless startup buzzwords at all costs.

by Nick Petri
HR & Leadership
Dear Everyone: You Are Not Steve Jobs
Furthermore, your company isn’t Apple. Unless you work for Apple. But even then, you still aren’t Steve Jobs. What made...
by Nick Petri
Startup Strategy
Competitive Marketing Strategy: How to Dethrone a Powerful Incumbent

In order to take on an established competitor, your company needs to establish a competitive marketing strategy using these five steps.

by Nick Petri
Startup News
Coding is Dead. Long Live the Coders

Is coding dead? Some argue the rise of front-end development platforms will someday make the entire institution of software programming obsolete, but the diagnosis might not be so dire.

by Nick Petri
UX: Can Usability Be Sticky Too?
A couple days ago, an entrepreneur and academic named Nir Eyal wrote a guest post for TechCrunch on UX and...
by Nick Petri
Finance & Operations
Email Spam Law Guide, Part 2: Spam Filters

Email Spam Law Guide Part 2: How email servers and blacklists identify spam, and how to email market without being spammed.

by Nick Petri
Startup Strategy
The Difference Between Segmentation and Buyer Research
As a proud member of the Research & Analytics team here at OpenView Labs, I spend much of my time...
by Nick Petri