Customer Success
Setting Goals to Fuel Your Company's Blogging Objectives
All that glimmers isn't gold. This little saying can do wonders for marketers intently following the metrics being generated by...
by Contributing Author
Customer Success
All You Need is One Statistic to Attract Readers
With quality content typically commanding a premium, companies are often tasked with separating themselves from the competition through writing. A...
by Contributing Author
Customer Success
Pitch Your Sales Candidates like You're Selling
When you're looking to hire a new standout salesperson, your pitch shouldn't be too dissimilar from the pitch you would...
by Contributing Author
Finance & Operations
Changes in Revenue Recognition for Software-Dependent Hardware
Changes that impact revenue recognition now allow companies to delay revenue reporting if their hardware is reliant upon software for...
by Contributing Author
Customer Success
The Importance of Internal Employee Notification with Corporate Blogging
If your content stories are hitting the web so fast that your employees don't even know about them, you may...
by Contributing Author
Building an Infrastructure Conducive to Scrum
A Scrum adoption can not be conducted inside a vacuum. The entire business needs to believe in the agile development...
by Contributing Author
Reporting Back to Managers in Scrum
A Scrum implementation's effectiveness hinges on transparent communication between teams and management. As such, reporting progress is crucial, especially when you consider the...
by Contributing Author
Finance & Operations
The Argument Against Drafting Overly Ornate Contracts
Believe it or not, there are a lot of benefits to writing your legal contracts plainly. For one, it's an...
by Contributing Author
Customer Success
Which Part of the World has the Best Customer Service?
Every country has something to offer to the global economy. When it comes to customer service, some countries do it...
by Contributing Author